Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gabby, please be my friend

For Valentine's Day I got the ultra sexy, sleek wide screen...Garmin!! In all seriousness, I NEEDED this. I have been getting lost for years and this will hopefully prevent me from calling my roommate in a panic b/c I have no idea how to get where I need to go and I am late and NO! I don't know what direction I am driving so how can you help me get to where I am?? Whew....

So today I happily tell Gabby (this is the name of every Garmin, I call them all Gabby Garmin) where I need to go. She gets me there just fine and we are creating a true friendship of trust. I then need to get from my meeting to the office, and this is where things get rocky. She sends me on a 10 mile trek across town on a road with 3 to 5 stoplights per mile. What happened, Gabby? I thought we were going to be friends and you were going to take me where I needed to go, stress free????

I thought this was my fault as maybe I had the settings wrong, nope, it is set on the fastest route. Anyone who lives in the city knows that 10 miles down Nall is not a fast route.....

Maybe she was testing me? See, I actually knew how to get to my office, and I would have taken the highway, however, I thought I would allow Gabby to continue to guide me in peace, but maybe I need to not put all of my trust in her.

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