Had a great weekend! Hope you all did too! Learned a few interesting things too:
1. My friend Kristi's laugh sounds like an arriba. We were eating at this Mexican joint and this waiter (Mexican) kept doing this high pitched arriba yell thing. One time when he came over to the table it was at the same time Kristi was laughing and he thought she was doing her own arriba call thing. Hilarious.
2. My roommate is growing out a beard to once again prove his manliness. I really don't need to be reminded....
3. We spent $30 trying to get a computerized horse to like me. We were at Dave and Buster's for a bday party and found this Kentucky Derby game. You pick the dam and sire, then they mate and voila, you have your horse. Mine was brown with a white spot on its head, female and named Snyder. She was quite a pain to train, and was very picky on the food she liked, and I guess, when she was sad, I was supposed to scold her b/c I kept choosing to hug and praise her when she was down and she would get more pissed. I don't get it, but obviously the creators of the game do since I kept putting in more money.
4. I am not into the Super Bowl. I used the time to read the paper, cut coupons, did a little work, the dishes, laundry, basically anything except watch. I did catch a few commercials, but was disappointed in what I saw.
5. Thank goodness I only make puppy chow once every few years. If you are not familiar, it is chex cereal coated with melted chocolate and peanut butter then rolled in powdered sugar. Delicious. I wasn't drunk or anything and I ate it at 1 am and then again at 4 am (I must have been dreaming about it) on Saturday night/Sunday morning. LOVE IT!
6. KSU men's basketball DOES have game....I am a believer once again! Go State!