Monday, April 26, 2010

A few postive moments from the weekend

1. I mowed the yard on Friday and my roommate told me that my lines were straight. This is a big deal!! I always get hell from him about my lines and my general response is that at least it is done. I really do try hard, but sometimes I just can't get them right.

2. I sat in the car for about 7 hours and did not bitch once about my butt hurting. It really never hurt b/c my focus was on my calves - I went to a new workout on Thursday and I could barely walk Sat. AM. I did mention my calves hurting once or fifteen times.....

3. I ran a 4 mile race and decreased my time by :30 sec each mile...and celebrated with Amusing Red's form of cocaine - Krispy Kremes!! Downed six of those babies yesterday. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM. Nothing like a warm glazed donut.

4. I took apart my vacuum - and put it back together!! So what if it took me a good hour to figure it out, I felt damn accomplished. And so what if the reason I had to take it apart was to get the hair clog out of the beater is the terrific outcome that is my focus - a working machine :) Honestly, I was going to show you a pic of the hairball, but thought you guys may never come back.

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