Thursday, April 9, 2009

Things that have annoyed me today

1. I still cannot wear makeup.
2. Several people have commented they didn't even notice I was sans makeup. Seriously, I thought it did ALOT for me. I know, I should take it as a compliment.
3. I have received two letters addressed to Mr. Red. Use Google folks, it will only take .002 seconds to determine I am of the female kind.
4. I had to talk to tech support - in the Philippines. Need I say more???
5. He asked what I did - told him I was a divorce lawyer. He said that was an unusual profession. I think his English was a bit off - don't believe he meant to say "unusual".
6. I bought a new printer and lucky came with a corrupt install disk. I was pooping my pants when I saw FATAL ERROR on my screen. Got it fixed. All is well.

Let's not focus on the negative, now that these ideas are off my chest I can move on. ONE GOOD THING: My roommate or cat doesn't have pink eye... yet. YES!! AND ONE MORE.....our taxes are done and we get money back!!!! I of course had plans to spend it (on the house) but the responsible half of the household said he has plans to save it. Boring.

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