Monday, April 13, 2009


So here I am freaking out about an upcoming hearing, and to calm my nerves, need a bit of "fun" reading. Here is an excerpt from one of my other blogs and I felt I needed to share this:

"One of my most valuable lessons I have learned: that love is a verb. It is a lesson I have thought about frequently of late. That we must make time for our friends and the people we love. That thinking about them, and meaning to call, and assuming they know that we love them, is not enough. That true friendship requires the same as all relationships: acts of love. Small things: phone calls to let someone know we are thinking about them; making the effort to drop in chicken soup when they are sick, instead of telling them to call if they need anything; doing what we can to let them know they are appreciated."

While I agree with this, I have to give a shout out to all of my friends that I have a true understanding with that we do not need to call each other every week, or even every month for that matter, but yet we are still good friends. We will be there for each other when we need one another, yet, we will not hold a grudge if one drops off the face of the earth for a few months. They know me inside and out, accept all of my flaws, and when we get together we can catch up just like it was yesterday since we talked. These friendships are priceless to me.

Another person that I would love to talk to daily, but neither of us have the time is my mother. We can talk for hours and truly appreciate our limited time we have together. As I mature, I appreciate her more and more and pray God does not take her from me prematurely because I still need her guidance.

Reach out to someone you love and brighten their day!!

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