Thursday, November 6, 2008


Should we even use this word anymore? I am going to do my best to take it out of my vocabulary because it should never be used - nothing is "fair" or maybe it is just that I am misapplying the word to daily life.

Here is Webster's definition:

1: pleasing to the eye or mind especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless quality2: superficially pleasing : specious 3 a: clean , pure b: clear , legible4: not stormy or foul : fine 5: ample 6 a: marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism b (1): conforming with the established rules : allowed (2): consonant with merit or importance : due c: open to legitimate pursuit, attack, or ridicule 7 a: promising , likely b: favorable to a ship's course 8archaic : free of obstacles9: not dark 10 a: sufficient but not ample : adequate b: moderately numerous, large, or significant 11: being such to the utmost : utter
Many things have happened this week that just don't seem to be fair (or what I thought the definition of fair is). For example, KSU getting embarrased by KU, my Dad's best friend passing away, the stock market continuing to suck, Ron Prince getting fired, my clients not wanting to pay me, it raining the day after you wash your car, the list goes on and on. You know, all of it doesn't seem fair, but what the hell am I really saying? Fair is not the correct word, when applying it to my examples listed. Fair does not mean equal or right or just. I am thinking that if I get the notion of fair out of my mind, all things will become easier to handle, understand or just accept. It is what it is.

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