Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can I go See Jesus?

My niece asked me this question at a funeral last week. I was baffled as to how I should answer this for several reasons: One, the priest was right there listening, second, I didn't know how to tell her that she can't really see Jesus. I kind of stammered around and then she pointed behind me.

Well, little did I know that the 5 year old saw a statue of Jesus and wanted to see the statue! Thank goodness, because it was turning out to be an awkward situation.

As I was just on the phone with a very angry client, I thought that it would be interesting if I responded, "Can I go see Jesus?". This didn't come out of my mouth, but it sure would have been fun to ask....just to get the response. In all honestly, I would have much rather been anywhere than on the other end of that phone conversation.

I better go, I am off to see Jesus!

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