Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Technology - A Help or Hindrance??

I do love technology, yes I do. However, I currently have a love/hate relationship with it. I just got off the phone with Verizon (I generally love Verizon), however, ever since I got my Blackberry all has went to hell in a haybasket (is that how that saying goes???). What is wrong? Well, once when syncing up my contacts, I accidentally pushed delete and guess what? ALL of my freaking contacts were erased. AND since I have the wonderful Microsoft Vista, the backup of my phone doesn't work automatically, I have to manually do it, and I only learned this AFTER I had all of my contacts deleted. FUN!!

Then, this morning, my wonderful bluetooth feature on my phone is not working, which is a big deal since my email, calendar and contacts are all synced up through bluetooth. So, I call the lovely English speaking (no joke here, I could actually understand her) assistant and ask for advice how to fix my bluetooth that is no longer syncing up. Well get this folks, even though the bluetooth feature that allows you to sync up your contacts on your computer is on the Blackberry, Verizon doesn't support it - they only support issues with your freakin' Bluetooth headset. I told English-speaking assistant that I can't stand the way those headsets look and I refuse to use one so I guess there was nothing she could help me with. I know, sort of brutal.

No worries people, I got it fixed myself! The doctor uninstalled and reinstalled and shut down and turned back on and magic! It is working again. Lesson to be learned: Spend a few hours trying to fix it yourself before you allow your cell phone provider to piss you off by not being able to solve your problem or even attempt to. :)

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