Friday, October 23, 2009

Harley Day

Hello Everyone!! I don't want you to think that since it took me a week to write about Harley Day that it wasn't one of the most exciting experiences of my life. First and foremost, I must thank my roommate for making all of this possible. I still think you are crazy for what you spent, however, I want you to know that every penny was worth it as you made me feel like the luckiest girl at the KSU stadium.

I realize some of my followers have no freaking clue what I am talking about. Well, here is a link to a youtube video to see what I am talking about. I am in at 23 seconds.

It may not seem exciting to those who do not bleed purple, but trust me, it was a thrill!

Thank you also to my Mom and Dad for making the trek to KS for this special day. I must also note that Dad and I tied for the largest flag and his Harley had one of the biggest engines that we saw (the engine thing was noticed by my Dad, I know nothing about motorcycles). And oh yeah, Dad was the only one with a train horn!!

Here are some pics, will probably post more as I get them.

Bet you didn't know I was related to Kenny Rodgers, did you??

Mom called this my Miss America wave....that's Mrs. America to you Mom! Ha!!

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